Announcing the Sixth IASA World Congress Oceans Apart: In Search of New Wor(l)ds Szczecin, Poland, 3-6 August 2013 America. America. AmeRICA. The Americas. A mythologized New World, oceans apart from the Old, yet not a day younger. America: a projection that first obliterated and then replaced the reality of the dual continent before its existence, rhetorically undone, could be acknowledged. …
America with its multiple narratives, landscapes, languages, and experiences, projects itself in time like a mosaic in movement: a mosaic of cartographies imagined over time and projected in the descriptions of travelers and scientists, in fiction and poetry, in the discourses of politicians and activists, and in the images of photographers, artists, and filmmakers. The 5th IASA World Conference proposes …
2009Beijing_program (PDF document)
2007IASA_Program (PDF document)
Americas’ Worlds and the World’s Americas/ Les mondes des Amériques et les Amériques du monde Amaryll Chanady, George Handley and/et Patrick Imbert (ed./directeurs) University of Ottawa/Université d’Ottawa/Legas, Ottawa, 2006 The Proceedings of the 2nd International American Studies Association (IASA) World Congress held at the University of Ottawa, August 18-20 2005, are now available from the publisher/Les actes du colloque du …
How Far is America From Here? Selected Proceedings of the First World Congress of the International American Studies Association 22-24 May 2003. Theo D’HAEN, Paul GILES, Djelal KADIR, and Lois PARKINSON ZAMORA (Eds.) Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2005, 636 pp. How Far is America From Here? approaches American nations and cultures from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. It is very much …